Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Useful Idiots, Liberal Edition (Please Stop "Helping"!)

A transgender art teacher claims to be a "radical climate scientist" and makes anti-Israel postings.  How much are Republicans paying this person?  And no, this is not the Onion.  By the way, they totally don't look like a dude at all.  No siree.

NOTE:  This is an older posting that I was working on and just posted today.  I guess I was in a bad mood when I wrote this.   Conservative readers may love it, though!

An art teacher is in hot water, because apparently they cracked open a box of Franzia Chardonnay and got hammered and started posting obnoxious anti-Israel postings online.  Now they (he/she/it or sh/it?) are contrite, claiming they went off their rocker, as "cancel culture" threatens to claim one of its own.

One of the conundrums of our age is why some people who identify as "liberal" will blindly support conservative causes, provided they come wrapped in a thin veil of revolutionary chic.  Che Guevara, for example, was popular among leftist college students in the 1960s.  But talk to any Cuban exile and you get a different story - a guy so bloodthirsty he personally shot children who he felt were "counter-revolutionary."  Even Castro got tired of his bullshit and sent him packing, and no one shed a tear when he was eventually killed by the CIA.

But hey - the t-shirt!  The look!  Revolutionary Chic!  People were sold an image of the "little guy" fighting for freedom, but the reality was that he was a bourgeoisie hanger-on who came to the party late, in countries that were not his own, and caused more havoc than good.

Similarly, as I wrote before, many liberals, particularly young people, latch onto the Dali Lama as a "cause" without really understanding who he is and what he is fighting for (a dictatorial theocracy with him in charge).  He is very anti-gay and yet many a gay jeep will have a "Free Tibet!" bumper sticker on the back, particularly in places like Ithaca, New York (been there, seen that!).

I am not a big fan of Bill Maher, who is a pompous self-absorbed idiot (even moreso than I, and that's saying a lot!).  But one of the things he does call out is the cognitive dissonance that some liberals have in supporting Arab terrorists who, if given the chance, would kill the very liberal Americans who support them.  I know, I'm weird - I hate people who want to kill me.  Call me strange on that count!

Worse yet, so many view issues like this as right/wrong dichotomies.  If you don't support Hamas and its terrorist attacks on civilians, than you must stand for everything Israel does!  But such is not the case.  One can be sympathetic to the plight of ordinary citizens on the West Bank or Gaza, who are just trying to live their lives and get along - provided, of course, they didn't vote for Hamas in 2006 or are handing over part of their income to terrorists, or are willingly shielding terrorists in their home, or dancing in the streets to "celebrate" a terrorist attack, or grooming their children to be suicide bombers.  To be an innocent civilian, you have to be innocent.

Similarly, the vast majority of Israelis just want to live their lives in peace - but there are a small minority that wants to stir up trouble, too.  No one side is perfect in this world.

Then there is this "lady" who is not even a full professor of art and yet besmirches the name of science by calling "themselves" a "radical climate scientist" - an oxymoron if there ever was one.  Scientists are not "radical" or "conservative" but rather methodical.  Science is not a matter of opinion or emotion.  You have to at least try to be objective.  Experiments have to be repeatable by other scientists, period.  You can't have science based on belief - although today that seems to be spreading, thanks to people like this art-teacher.

She isn't doing anyone any favors.  She is painting the transgender people as a bunch of radical nut-jobs - why not just hand over a good sound bite to Fox News?  Hannity can say, "I told  you so" and we really can't respond to that.  In addition, she is giving the "other side" all the ammunition they need to pooh-pooh climate change.  If this lady is the self-proclaimed face of climate science, there can't be much to it, can there? Bear in mind I did work for NOAA - I'm met real climate scientists and this art teacher isn't one of them - in fact, not close by a million miles!

Please stop "helping"!  The far-left "progressive" radicals are giving ammunition to the GOP and the GOP is willingly using this to sway elections.  They are promoting an image of Democrats as embracing Antifa and "defunding the police" as well as "guaranteed basic income" - among other crazy leftist ideas.  And some leftists think this is great if we lose elections.  Re-elect Trump!  When his minions appoint him dictator-for-life then the real revolution can come!  These are the "Bernie Bros" who voted for Trump or just stayed home on election day, out of spite.

Revolutions come at a cost, however.  And our system of government was designed to allow for social change without revolution.  And social change could occur (and has occurred), unless a few nut-jobs decide to throw a wrench in the works because no amount of change is good enough for them.

We stand to lose so much progress, just to satisfy the hissy-fits of a few weirdos.  Will that be the epitaph of our civilization?

Please, please!  Stop "helping!"