Wednesday, October 13, 2010
100 words a minute...
My apologies for any typos in my blog entries. I type at about 100 words a minute, sometimes more, when I get excited.
Most of my postings are stream-of-consciousness type of things.
Sometimes I go back and edit out typos and revised documents.
Sometimes not.
Spell check catches most obvious errors, but others are often overlooked.
My apologies in advance for any confusion!
The whole point of this Greenland hoax is to distract us from what is really going on. Trump is at his old antics again. He does or says ou...
Should you spend a lot on appliances? If you want to.... Our old Kitchen Aid (Whirlpool) dishwasher died after 18 years. Well, it still ...
Is the machine serving us, or vice-versa? A reader writes, suggesting I use voice recognition to dictate blog entries. It is a good idea an...